
Examples of Formal Systems


  • Peter Suber – Nomic: A Game of Self-AmendmentNomic

    If you're interested in playing Nomic, see my project obsidian-nomic for a helpful starter-kit that can aid in tracking your game!

    Nomic was invented by Peter Suber, a philosopher who wished to create an interactive way to explore the role of self-amendment in legal systems. Suber is interested in the concept of laws and rules that are able to able to modify or make statements about themselves. In this way, Nomic may be seen as being quite similar to a [[Formal System]].

    Interestingly, ...

Music Of course, I view a large amount of music as following principles of constraint that seem to imply an underlying formal system. The following examples, however are particularly explicit or meaningful examples of such constraints.

  • J.S. Bach
    • use of imitative polyphony; self-referential contrapuntal works (canon, fugue, etc.)
  • Ockeghem
    • use of imitative polyphony; self-referential contrapuntal works (canon, fugue, etc.)
  • The theoretical work (and music) of Sergei Taneyev: see his explorations of canonic technique and multi-part invertible counterpoint
  • Berg, esp. Wozzeck for constraint rules used in constructing the form of the opera
  • Webern, esp. Op. 21
  • Early Minimalist music: see "Music as a Gradual Process" by Steve Reich.
    • Steve Reich
    • Simeon Ten Holt
    • (some) Philip Glass
    • Tom Johnston
    • James Tenney
  • Early, rigorous Spectral music (Grisey/Harvey)
  • Thomas Adés (interval pairs in the Violin Concerto and fugues in In Seven Days
  • Hans Abrahamsen (canonic and formal structure in Schnee)
  • Andrew Norman ("interactive" rule or constraint-based orchestration in Play)



  • Euclid's Elements
    • The use of mathematical induction in Geometry
    • Later developed into hyperbolic and spherical geometry by chaniging one axiom
  • Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russel: Principia Mathematica
  • Kurt Gödel: Gödel's Incompleteness TheoremsGödel's Incompleteness Theorems
    The Foundational Crisis of Mathematics

    Disclaimer: I'm not a mathematician or historian of mathematics. This description is that of a...
  • Charles Babbage & Alan Turing: early computational machines
  • David Hilbert's Twenty-Three Problems

General Music Theorists and Analytical Concepts

Last modified on 01-28-2022.