
side B (Partial) Resource List

  • Strength Of His Might – "'Side B' vs. 'Side Y'"
    • A good introduction to different perspectives– not everyone uses "sides" language, but I've found it helpful for explaining my experience.
  • Greg Coles – Single, Gay, Christian
    • This is a memoir-style book about Coles' experiences as a celibate gay Christian. He describes his early life in Indonesia, the process of reconciling his faith and sexuality, and then the practical applications of his theological convictions to his life and in his church communities.
  • Posture Shift – Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones
    • Posture Shift offers training sessions to churches on how to be inclusive towards LGBTQ+ people and they've put out a Q&R-type book called Guiding Families. Note that they use both LGBT+ and SSA terminology in their discussions. They sponsor the Life On Side B Podcast (see more below).
  • Revoice Conference
    • Revoice Conference: this is the most prominent conference for side B folks and cishet folks who want to learn more. Past talks from Revoice are available (with a subscription) from their Digital Resource Library.
  • Life On Side B Podcast
    • This podcast has done tremendous work to bring the real experiences, ideas, and words of side B people to the fore. Hosted by a panel of side B believers, Life on Side B (LOSB) takes a deep dive into important side B topics through conversations with contributors from a variety of perspectives.
  • Side B and Chill
    • "Side B and Chill" is a list of podcasts and videos put together by the team that makes the "Life on Side B" podcast. Again, most of these folks will use LGBT+ language, but some also use SSA or other descriptors. These resources are organized by topic.
  • Mark Yarhouse & Olya Zaporozhets – Costly Obedience
    • This is a research-based look into of the lives of Side B people that draws heavily on the stories and words of Side B people themselves while providing some broader insights into the community. Please note that Yarhouse & Zaporozhets are not part of the LGBTQ+ community – in many ways they are doing a sort of academic "ethnography" as outside guests who have been invited into parts of the side B community to learn and then communicate their findings.

Last modified on 01-28-2022.